Festival Chernobyling - pozvánka
Pozývame vás na festival Chernobyling, ktorý sa bude konať 30. 8. - 1. 9. 2017 v Černobyle a neďalekej Slavutyči. Je to prvý festival na svete, kde sa spájajú tri témy: UrbEx, Geocaching a umenie - festivalu sa zúčastnia rôzne kapely a DJ.
Naviac, celý výťažok z festivalu pôjde na pomoc ľuďom žijúcim v Černobyle.
Kompletné informácie nájdete na stránkach https://chernobyling.com/
We invite you to the Chernobyling Festival, which will be held from 30 August to 1 September 2017 in Chernobyl and nearby Slavutyc. It is the first festival in the world where three themes are connected: UrbEx, Geocaching and Art - the festival will be attended by various bands and DJs.
In addition, all the extras from the festival will help people living in Chernobyl.
You can find complete information on the site
Join us!
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